Been in a "don't care" mood today.
Perhaps I'm finally coming to terms with the fact that I'll probably have to start all over again from nothing.
I shouldn't have been surprised really, my hopes have turned to ash many times before.
I just thought this time was different?
Thought I'd finally found a place I belonged and was valued, but it turned out I was just a disposable resource.
I was fully ready to stick with it to the end as well.
I was going to get even more involved, do more and so on.
Here I am a month later rotting away instead.
What a waste.
What was once the best thing in my life at that point is now something that only makes me feel worthless and miserable, and has to be constantly avoided at all costs.

That's why I've isolated myself by the way,
To get away from it. It hasn't worked.
People have commented many times on be being "so negative"
If you really knew anything about me, you'd probably know why!
Oh well, I guess my only option is fuck off and stop bothering people with my negativity :^)
I'll probably delete this thread later when I calm down or something
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