I'm speaking generally here -- but these types of people are everywhere. I saw recently that this was abnormal or that these abusers are a rarity in the profession. My experience and the experience of countless others I consider friends does not support that statement. https://twitter.com/devon_cantwell/status/1380962165843169282
I had two separate people call me yesterday, unrelated to one another, to talk about abusers in PoliSci. These people are known abusers and the people standing up to them are being attacked. And I can't tell you anything about their names or who you should be defending. Legally.
WOC use whisper networks to try to protect each other because we know so rarely our "allies" will. I say that from experience. And that's super problematic. These individuals get jobs and we are legally silenced. So just because YOU don't know them, doesn't mean they don't exist.
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