1/ Thread - Where We're At

Views about COVID lockdown measures vary from person to person, but at a high level, it's possible to track current public opinion on a scale between of four distinct groups—the silent majority, wealthy "liberals," #ZeroCovid, and what really happened.
2/ First, the silent majority. These are average folks, a majority in the USA, Scandinavia, and developing countries, who got dragged along. They may not know how all this happened, but they’re getting tired of lockdowns, masks, being lied to and seeing the world turn into China.
3/ Second, wealthy “liberals” and other useful idiots. These are the double-maskers, vax passport promoters, and people who still proclaim full faith in scientists and “the science” of lockdowns, shrug off all harms of lockdowns and accept any info that confirms they were good.
4/ Third, #ZeroCovid. These are the CCP collaborators, bot armies, corrupt lockdown “scientists,” psychopaths and other baddies who will gleefully say anything and knowingly sacrifice millions of lives to see the world turn into China.
5/ Finally, on the other end, are the folks who know how lockdowns actually came about and have a sense that the greatest crime of the 21st century has just taken place. These are your brave, smart, witty, farsighted anti-lockdown activists and our wonderful followers.
6/ The truth is that most of our day-to-day work as anti-lockdown activists is meant to act as a counterbalance and call attention to the most dishonest machinations of the criminals on the far end of the pro-lockdown spectrum.
7/ Though the majority view is glacially inching toward the truth, the vast majority don’t know lockdowns’ origins, and don’t realize there are influential forces actively trying to create a permanent pandemic, end human rights and the rule of law and turn the world into China.
8/ Over many years, public opinion tends toward truth. Cynics sometimes worry that the truth will never come out, but that doesn’t really happen in modern times. After a couple decades, even Chairman Mao’s worst crimes eventually became widely known, even without a regime change.
9/ My view is that we anti-lockdown activists are simply ahead of our time. Most people just aren’t able to face this level of evil as it happens, but the unvarnished truth becomes easier to face and more widely accepted as it recedes into history.
10/ So our goal as anti-lockdown activists should be to call out the most dishonest machinations of the pro-lockdown permanent-pandemic lobby, and to preserve the record and gradually draw public opinion closer to truth of what actually happened.
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