"After months, I finally cried uncle that I couldn’t take it anymore – the pain, the fog, the drug side effects, etc. led me to ask to be treated at John’s Hopkins depression/pain unit. 6 weeks in-patient. I don’t remember most of my time there as they detoxed me...."
"[Johns Hopkins] detoxed me, told me that I didn’t have Lyme & labeled me with Major Depression. They convinced everyone...I needed #ECT to get my life back from “depression” & although it scared me to death, I went along for numerous sessions. My memory will never be the same."
"I left the hospital in the fall of 2014 feeling better but with prescriptions for Latuda (lurasidone) & Lithium. I believe I took those for 2 years as I hid out in my house in the dark, alone, feeling completely bereft of all emotion, motivation or joy."
"So around 2016, I changed #psychiatrists to a “famous” [Johns] Hopkins doctor...he took me off the Lithium & prescribed 80mg Latuda, 120mg Cymbalta, a low dose of Trazadone (for sleep issues-he never mentioned it was also an #antidepressant) and 50mg Adderall...."
"....and 50mg Adderall (to keep me awake & able to focus because I was always so fatigued). Still feeling stunted & dulled, lifeless & fatigued, I gradually reduced down to 40mg Latuda, 60mg Cymbalta, the low dose of Trazadone & 25mg Adderall & that is where I was in April 2020."
"Since 2018, I often discussed going off the meds with my doctor....I first went off the Trazadone “without issue”....Then I stopped Cymbalta at 60 mg. In retrospect this is when my “issues” started...."
"I stopped Cymbalta at 60 mg....I began having ALL of the known side effects of stopping Cymbalta....During this time, late Spring to Fall, I spoke to my #psychiatrist twice & he assured me that my symptoms were not medication reduction related...."
After quitting 60mg Cymbalta, "thought my Lyme had returned. I broke out in sores/blisters on my face, neck & back, started having stomach issues, tingling sensation in hands & feet, episodes of vertigo, flashes of anxiety and a general overall feeling of dis-ease."
"I sought help from a “world renowned” infectious disease doctor from Hopkins who ran all the preliminary blood tests on me & found no issues, referred me to another dermatologist & assured me that I do not have an infectious disease."
"At this point, in September, still not understanding what was happening to me, I was stable at 10 mg of Latuda & feeling somewhat normal. With the exception of the blisters, I was feeling better and the doctor told me I could stop Latuda at any time."
"I stopped Latuda completely at 10mg in mid-September and I have been in the storm ever since...I finally went searching online for answers that doctors couldn’t/wouldn’t give..... It was then that I realized what was going on
maybe beginning of October."
"The first 6 weeks [off 10mg Latuda] were like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my life with the nausea, rushing anxiety, suicidal ideation, rapid thoughts, nightmares, horror upon waking & all the rest of the works. Coming and going in an onslaught."
"I can literally say, I have been toughing it out bravely, watching weekly as I made minimal progress but determined never to eat the poison again."
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