I'm Bethany! I'm working on my own voices PETER PAN x THE CRUEL PRINCE but make it ✨sapphic✨ - think fairies, pirates and autistic girls doing stabby stab things ⚔️

#GetYaFreakOn https://twitter.com/Yasemin_Writes/status/1380958761918074891
All of my villains are dangerously attractive because I need ✨therapy✨ But we'll go with Queen Mab, the vicious fairy queen herself.

'Queen Mab’s ribbons are always blood red, stark against the glittering white snow.'

#GetYAFreakOn https://twitter.com/Yasemin_Writes/status/1380962535759699972?s=20
My Peter Pan retelling is my dream YA book, but my dream NA is my enemies to lovers WIP:

✨ an ancient prophecy
✨ a magical war
✨ an autistic princess
✨ a brooding prince with fire powers

Who will you betray for the greater good ⚔️


✨ Wendy is like spiderman, a youthful kind of innocence
✨ Queen Mab is a female Loki - hot & evil
✨Hook is harder - maybe Iron Man or Wolverine vibes? Definitely a leader, hard on the outside but a total softie when she loves you

#GetYAFreakOn https://twitter.com/Yasemin_Writes/status/1380970085548924928?s=20
Yes, because I'm a bad bitch* ✨

Wendy goes to a fairy ball & then travels to Neverland and falls in love with a hot pirate - what's not to like?!

(read: I'm actually a total wuss but I like fairies and hot pirates so yes)

#GetYAFreakOn https://twitter.com/Yasemin_Writes/status/1380973860351279136?s=20
Okay I don't have any eye colour descriptions, so have this instead*

'She had eyes you could get lost in, but you mightn't make it out alive.'

*(pls let the record state I was low key tempted to write an orbs description but I held back)


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