So the story of AOC "calling the police" on Russian state-sponsored podcaster Ryan Wentz has already been debunked by Capitol Police and AOC spokespeople.

Here's how far-right, far-left and Russian state-sponsored media personalities made this fake story trend.
Ryan Wentz, who works for Russian state-sponsored outlet Soapbox, posted a tweet claiming AOC sent police to his house over tweets he published criticizing her recent comments on Israel-Palestine.

This is false, as confirmed by Capitol Police and AOC spokespeople.
What prompted the police to Wentz's address was a credible threat against AOC on Twitter that Wentz was tagged in.

Capitol Police commented that as a routine part of investigations into these types of threats, even actors who are indirectly involved are questioned.
DESPITE THIS, Tucker Carlson aired an entire segment propagating the fake story, while Rania Khalek, Anissa Naouai, and multiple other Russian state-sponsored journalists signal boosted the story.

The Grayzone also published a story entertaining the claim.
Other people that signal boosted the story include Richard Medhurst, an Iranian state-sponsored media employee, and the Uyghur genocide denier and Assadist co-founder of Electronic Intifada, Ali Abunimah.

Fake story spread by bad actors to sow discourse on the left.
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