I was also saddened last week by the news of Simon Keay's death. I don't know his work on Italy and Portus as well as I should, but his scholarship on early Roman Spain -- almost breathtaking in range and depth -- has been essential reading for me.

The survey article on the archaeology of Roman Spain (JRS 93 [2003] 146-211) is a true masterpiece of the genre (has to be seen to be believed). All three JRA volumes (15, on Tarraco; 29, on early Roman Baetica; and 62, on Tarraconensis) are also *outstanding*.

I didn't know him well, but we met 2 or 3 times on the conference circuit and corresponded and exchanged work on occasion. He was always exceptionally kind and generous, especially with one who could not possibly be of any professional "use" to him. A true model.


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