Yeah, this ain't it chief...

1) Only preliminary evidence (albeit growing) suggests that there is a *reduction*, not elimination, of infection and transmission.
2) We have little data to describe how effective this is in immunocompromised people.

3) The B.1.1.7 UK Variant is now the predominant strain circulating in the USA. We are even less clear as to how effective vaccines are against infection and transmission for this strain, let alone the other variants.
4) We still have rampant community transmission.

5) We're still trying to figure out the long term humoral/cellular immunity provided by these vaccines. We don't know if/when and how often they may need to be booster them.

6) The important part is that these vaccines seem to aid in preventing severe clinical dz more reliably than preventing infection/transmission. In that light, focus on vaxing as many people as possible so we can rapidly approach some sense of herd immunity.

This isn't anything remotely similar to gaslighting. It's actually responsible public health messaging. I respect Nate Silver for his political data analysis and projections, but maybe leave the epidemiology and public health to the infectious disease experts?

Signed, a veterinary student who's currently in the throes of public/herd health classes.

-rant over-
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