The relationship between Vedic metaphysics and Yoga is not the same as the relationship between Biblical metaphysics and gravitation theory. BAD ANALOGY! Quite a silly one. (But no disrespect intended to @SadhguruJV - we can disagree w respect.)
For yoga theory to be valid, Vedic metaphysics is required as the metaphysical foundation. One leads to the other.
But for Newton’s gravitation theory there is no Christian foundation needed or claimed.
The argument by @SadhguruJV is muddled:
A) Newton’s IDENTITY as Christian is irrelevant to his theory. He did not invoke identity in building his case, nor do any physicists.
B) Yoga theory DEPENDS on Vedic metaphysics, especially Samkhya.
A link by IDENTITY cannot be equated with a link due to METAPHYSICS.
I respect all the gurus as a matter of principle. So best to leave personalities out. Focus on the logic of the issue.
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