Anti-lockdown rally happening on Lake St, featuring with disinformation about vaccines, masks, and the virus. Among the speakers is West Lincoln Mayor David Byslma. No masks. No social distancing. No enforcement by @NRPublicHealth or @NiagRegPolice follow @bill_standard for more.
Also in attendance are a couple of local figures that have recently drawn some controversy and disgraced former @NiagaraRegion councillor Any Petrowksi (see above photo)
Meanwhile, Niagara saw its second 3rd wave #COVID19 death yesterday, hospitalizations are up to 21, and active cases are approaching 1,000.
Niagara COVID-19 Infection curve Visualised with @f_l_o_u_r_i_s_h
There are a number of anti-vaxx signs present, including a few that falsely claims that getting the #COVID19 vaccines result in more #COVID19 infections. This is entirely false. The opposite is true.
While local deaths have started to rise again, they flattened out for several weeks.Why? Even though, despite what some mayors claimed, the local infection was never low, the LTC residents aged 80+ were vaccinated. The result? Vastly few deaths from that demographic.
Also worth noting here is that the variants, which are in Niagara (B.1.1.7 is confirmed) is upwards of 40% more infectious and causes more serious illness in younger people. It also transmits easier outdoors. (outdoors is safer than indoors still)
Roads appear to be closed along the march by @NiagRegPolice to allow it to continue. No word on any enforcement. Under provincial #COVID19 orders, the limit on outdoor gatherings is five people and @fordnation and @celliottability promised enforcement as the infection rate rises.
Who is spreading the virus currently? Well, the same demographic you see in these photos. Who is getting sick and ending up in hospital now? Same demographic:

Niagara COVID-19 Active cases by age Visualised with @f_l_o_u_r_i_s_h
He is also a member of @randyhillier's evangelically sponsored anti-lockdown group, and Bylsma recently declared that not enough Canadians have died from #COVID19 for this to be an actual pandemic.
For the record, at least 23, 281 Canadians with #COVID19 have died. Locally, at least 379 people with the virus has died.

COVID-19 in Niagara: deaths over time Visualised with @f_l_o_u_r_i_s_h
This fella seems nice.
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