What a week man. Things I’ve learned about death this week:
1. Death is inevitable. No matter how “healthy” we think we are, in a blink of an eye things can drastically change.
2. A death of a loved one is not easy, but when you give that person their flowers while they’re alive, it makes processing the death that much easier.
3. There’s nothing like being surrounded by loved ones during a difficult time. The laughter and the love is necessary to process the loss of someone.
4. Death will make you re-evaluate everything you do in order to leave this earth better than you found it.
5. Mental health is far more important than any job you do. If a company is t willing to understand then it’s not a right fit.
6. When you stick to your morals and values the lives you touch will remember you for the rest of their life.
7. My grandmother was cut from a different cloth. Not only did she provide for 8 kids but she managed to get every single one a better life.
No one will ever be able to take away my roots, heritage, and experiences with my ancestors. Not capitalism nor gentrification.
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