Y'all can keep getting mad at me and that's fine. Because as someone not in Smash and who exists in the real world, regardless of the time frame this was taken, it is concerning.

No it doesn't mean Nairo is a pedophile. Yes it means he was operating off the community norms. https://twitter.com/JusticeRoulette/status/1380914816936722433
And those community norms allowed for physical interactions like these between minors and adults in public and no one was concerned. That needs to be discussed. And asking for the person who also participated and was ultimately harmed by these group norms himself is reasonable.
Even if this photo was some how master minded by Zack to be taken and stages as blackmail, it STILL happened and no one cared. Everyone brushes it off as oh Zack is just touchy feely.
And my question is so why was Zack allowed to be in this space at all? Especially considering he had an early reputation for being inappropriate with adults and no supervision.
If the community is to survive, you need to have these tough conversations. Imo Smash as a scene was dangerous before shut down and I really need some hope that it won't be dangerous if it reopens.
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