im making a thread so hi.. click click 😋
• acting like someone cannot be lesbian bc “theyre too sweet” is lesphobic. why are you assuming every lesbian is mean ?? (also dont ship lesbians with men wtf)
• you all need to stop avoiding the word lesbian you will use ANYTHING other than lesbian, its exhausting. lesbian isnt a dirty word
• lesbians saying they hate men isnt anything phobic. there is no hidden meaning behind it, stop assuming there is. and we can be proud and happy about not liking men
• you never call out lesphobia until lesbians do and even then there is a lot of people who change the subject. shut up and listen to us!!
• non lesbians stop making lesbian jokes! fucking stop. jokes like
hey mamas
x lesbian protector
im going lesbian
*insert guy* is lesbian
arent yours to make so stop it
• lesbians should be able to stan men and think men are good looking without you fuckers questioning our sexuality every 5 seconds (+comphet exists stop acting like it doesnt)
+ this isnt lesphobic but if you only like fictional / unattainable men (this includes celebs) thats (most likely) comphet! most of us struggle with comphet before realizing we’re lesbian
(only lesbians experience comphet, non lesbians call it heteronormativity btw)
omg a hit tweet (/j) lesbians follow me i’ll fb
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