“race was invented to keep working class people divided,” in discussions about the antagonisms between black/white people is reductionist, and i think it would be more fruitful to name ideological whiteness as said tool that does ultimately negates solidarity & community building
the incredibly vague rhetoric of “race [dividing] working class people” implies race and its inherent constant terror & violence, is a two-way street—when it is, in fact, something that has been overwhelmingly enacted on wc/poor black people by white people of every class strata
yet, this is where the loudest & most dominant sectors of marxist discourse (that privileges a universalized + reductionist analysis of proximity/relationship to capital), particularly in the US/west, has historically failed, on the question of (particularly anti-black) racism!
and unfortunately we are seeing the very failures of many socialist/communist organizations repeated, even in the modern times, despite the advancements in black marxist scholarship (among other ideological strains) highlighting the unfortunate limitations to these very analyses
the unwillingness to stretch marxism, in hopes of ideologically moving away from orthodox modalities of the “race question,” making it applicable to our specific present conditions (which include racial/gendered/sexual AND classed antagonisms), & how we can reconcile w/ ‘em, is😔
i’m thinking of harold cruse, on the failure of the american marxist https://twitter.com/radicaltheory/status/1321925824199745537?s=21
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