I've seen a lot of lechery while observing national politics but nothing compares to what I've seen recently. The manner in which the cult of Ravanvamshis within the brahman political lobby came out to whitewash the massacre of an entire "savarn" Rajput family is disgraceful.
The way in which they tried to pin the blame on a Rajput pawn using strawmen and diversionary tactics, protecting the mastermind MLA Vinod Jha and the main accused Pravin Jha is utterly dishonorable. Their intellectual dishonesty is out in the open.
They have always thought of Rajputs as pawns in their game of democratic politics. It is time for us to dissociate ourselves from their political narratives and create our own. Their acts of omission and goalpost shifting shouldn't be tolerated anymore.
Our cultural civilizational genocide has to stop.Their modus operandi doesn't suit us. We operate differently. Adopting their lifestyle and cultural influences would hurt not only our present condition but also our future generations.
They gaslight our grievances and attack any attempt at self-realization by calling us unionists. They usually play victim, to preemptively evade any response.
An example, when Karni Sena ransacked the house of the Rajput henchman, these ravanvamshis started wailing that the entire village of Pravin Jha has been burned to ashes.
Know what you're dealing with. Do not let yourselves get gaslighted. However, we must also not paint the entire community in the same light, be respectful towards the learned purohit but do not let their lifestyle preferences or political narratives creep into your psyche.
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