I gotta tell you. Lockdowns are a goldmine for proving Republican talking points. I could be tempted to move right on the political scale. According to mostly liberal, academic college educated lockdown proponents there are no long term consequences from a year+ of ....
Healthcare disruption, lost education (in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities), job losses, business closures, putting strain on the poor, mental health stress & social isolation.
If this is the case what lockdowns have shown is that preventative medicine & universal healthcare isn’t as important as we thought nor social safety nets. We could cut/divert funds & lower taxes so long as emergency medicine is funded.
Great news given the massive costs of Medicare/Medicaid, housing subsidies, food stamps & the like. Poverty & job insecurity - not the societal problem we thought it was. Great news if we enter a COVID induced recession!
We can definitely do away with mental health care. Kids, well they’re resilliant. We could slash education costs by moving poor public schools online. This is potentially great news for saving tax payers money! As a tax payer I LOVE IT!
I guess lockdowns have also proven republicans right on how idiotic some “experts” are for either over stating the importance of education, health, medicine, social security & mental health or suggesting you can majorly disrupt these things with no major long term consequences!
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