abusers in movement work gravitate to leadership roles (formal and informal) in nonprofits bcuz its a way to have it both ways: have loyal followers for "doing the work" & continue building social capital; and gaining/maintaining power to be able to continue abuse
young people who have not been exposed to nonprofits see them as an opportunity to get paid and do good all at once. then they realize their drive to help their community is what leads to exploitation, sexual harassment, racism, and burnout. abusers in leadership know this
to be clear not all nonprofit leaders are abusers. also well intentioned people will often try and fail to buck the trend. precisely because these power structures are in place
nonprofits will weaponize lefty language for cover and use charisma to shield themselves. they will then belittle their subordinates, cover up for their abuser homies, and step on people to get ahead. this then permeates throughout nonprofit culture as "the way things are"
leadership at nonprofits will then posture as the adults in the room and scoff at their former radical colleagues as impractical and too radical. cursory allies, but naive idealists. means to them to secure more power.
It all fits in to broader patterns of liberal cooptation and counter insurgency. This shit happened at WTO, at Occupy, Ferguson, and im sure it has happened already from the uprisings last year
never trust people who seek money, power, influence, clout, from work that is meant to be for community.
if someone is putting their government name on stuff and putting their face out there and making money off of the stuff they purport to be doing for the people that should tell you a lot. you can always tell the people who are making sure they are being seen at actions or events
you can always tell with who is grabbing the megaphone. this is not uncommon
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