One of my frustrations with the discourse around this issue is that it tends to get into the weeds really quickly. Chromosomes, diagnostic criteria, dueling studies and methodologies and statistics.
This is understandable! Most transphobic arguments rely on bad data, irrelevant biology and lofty philosophical nonsense. It's important to rebut those claims and this podcast does a really good job.
But we shouldn't lose track of the fundamentals. Trans people want equality. They want to be free from discrimination in healthcare, housing and jobs. They don't want to be harassed and they want police to take them. seriously when they are. That's it, that's the ask.
This is entirely reasonable! Every single anti-trans activist and "just asking questions" centrist should be asked why their hyper-specific bullshit about chromosomes is a reason trans people should continue to face systematic discrimination.
All the "what about the children?!" stuff about trans teenagers and puberty blockers and high school sports is a distraction from what's really at stake here: A marginalized minority wants equal rights and there is no reason not to give it to them.
(I genuinely didn't write this as a criticism of this specific podcast episode it's good and you should go listen to it!)
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