We're repeatedly told that schools have to stay open because that's important for students' mental health but whose mental health is being prioritized by Minister Whiteside? 🧵 1/?
#bcpoli #bced
Certainly not the student who's terrified that their maskless peers are sitting right next to them in a windowless classroom in a school with inadequate ventilation.
Nor is it the Grade 6 student who texts their mom in the middle of the day to fetch them from school because they're worried about all the maskless students sitting around them in class. They are terrified of taking the variant home to their 40 year old parents.
Definitely not the Grade 12 students who has to be in isolation for 2 weeks during an already too short quarter in a graduation requirement course that they already find difficult.
And I can't express the anguish of students who had fragile mental health pre-pandemic and are now just desperately trying to get through these last 2 months without a relapse into depression.
And what about the elementary student who collapses into tears when they realize that they were the first to bring the variant into their classroom that spread so quickly and shut down their school?
Whose mental health is being prioritized by keeping schools open without any remote learning options?
Contrary to what @JM_Whiteside said, there are NO remote learning options in many school districts.
In April 2020 schools were open for the children of health care workers & they also provided meal programs for students. Laptops were provided to students who needed them. Counsellors kept in contact with students. Teachers adapted their curriculum to the circumstances.
Something is being prioritized now in April 2021 by keeping schools open when daily case counts hover above 1000.
It's certainly not the mental health of students.
#bcpoli #bced #bctf #Stage3Now
10?/ The survey sent out last summer upon which the 'mental health important' stance is based was hugely problematic. It was in English only, reached a fraction of parents & was sent at a time when the concept of a lockdown was new. Of course students missed their friends!
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