I want to talk about @/Beds4Trevor and what they’ve put me through yesterday.

This will be as professional as I can make it. I wanted the event to do well, but based on the immaturity and irresponsibility i was met with yesterday, I no longer believe it can.

First off, here’s Cote’s thread. Since he was in it, I want you all to read what they have to say. One of the nicest people I’ve ever met and extremely professional. https://twitter.com/cotehardies/status/1380799485161390080
Sunny’s thread. Again, very well written, and better perspective than I could have as someone who worked as staff for this event. https://twitter.com/scneaters/status/1380862306050048000
I would like to start off by saying that my intentions with Beds4Trevor as a partner was nothing less than pure in my eyes. I thought that it would be a fun way to raise awareness for both events and have all charities picked out get as much money as they can. I never knew-
that the staff at Beds4Trevor viewed me simply as “competition” or as a “bitch with clout”. I was genuinely trying to uplift their event because it was a good cause. It was never competition, and I am disappointed that they thought that way.
The ways in those threads that they address me and my staff are completely unprofessional. We have tried our best to uplift them as much as we can, and to see they talked about us individually behind our backs and went deliberately out of their way to try and stop us
from promoting the event by “calling us out” on it while they were doing the same thing too is completely wrong.

Now let’s get into specifically how they addressed me this whole time.
I had said multiple times that I had wished they had kept this privately and that I saw their concerns, but there was a few moments where I didn’t like how they were referring to me.
Right off the bat, they started lying to me. If you’ve read the other threads, this was deliberate. They took down posts doing the same thing as we did, and then come to me spouting “no ill will”. It doesn’t line up. If they just wanted to address some concerns, they would’ve-
came to me instead of going public with the information they had. The fact that they had done the same things we had (although it was nothing wrong, just marketing) and gone through and “scrubbed” their account shows they never really cared about what they were addressing.
This message especially I feel rubbed me the wrong way. The way that this was said felt extremely condescending, almost like they expected me to deny it. As much as I am trying to remain businesslike in this thread, I am not lying when I say I felt cornered into feeling bad.
Here is my response to the above tweet:
(team membership name censored for anonymity. this has nothing to do with them.)
I still stand with what I said and I do think I was manipulated in a way, consciously or not, into feeling bad for them. The way they had spoken to me was not professional nor businesslike. It felt more aggressive than that. I genuinely didn’t want anything bad for them.
Our acts of “self promotion” were nothing other than tiny lighthearted mistakes or literal business marketing. I should’ve stood up for my team more, but, again, I felt cornered into feeding into a narrative I didn’t necessarily believe in.
Beds4Trevor consistently saw me and my event as a competitor rather than a partner. Where I had tried to uplift them and bring as much attention to them as I could, they did the opposite to me, even going so far as to call me names and talk badly about me in their server.
I believe these actions to be unprofessional and that is why I am speaking up about them. I genuinely thought that their event could be something helpful to so many people, but now I see where I was wrong about that.

To anyone who once worked for them, my dms are always open.
Thank you all for reading.
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