đź—ŁEXCLUSIVE - A letter from U.S. constitutional law professors supporting statehood for #PuertoRico (all of them USians) is planned to be sent to the US Congressional leadership early this coming week, ahead of the PR status hearing on Wednesday, April 14. They naturally (1/4)
expected to have Puerto Rican constitutional law professors joining the letter, since they are the ones who really know, have the legitimacy, and intellectual capacity to understand the complex constitutional relationship between US and PR, but none of them are signing it. (2/4)
Instead, there will be another letter, signed by all the #PuertoRican constitutional law professors from law schools in Puerto Rico, opposing that colonialist USian letter. The letter from the US professors is clearly a colonialist, paternalistic, and imperialist action! (3/4)
We call on those signing the letter to withdraw their signature before it is published, or deal with the backlash. And remember, statehood is the perpetual colony. @ColumbiaLaw @BerkeleyLaw @lessig @jackbalkin @ProfGuyCharles @dorfonlaw @barryfriedman1 @samuelmoyn @stone_geoffrey
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