this seems like an unpopular opinion for some reason but the blatant shipping of rae and rated in raetwt is very strange. be careful with the way you word things until rae give the shipping an okay (which she hasn’t yet and probably never will). also? rated doesn’t like it either
can she please have one male friend where shipping isn’t an issue. if rae and rated were playing characters that were nothing like themselves irl than it’d be different, but alas they’re not and y’all KNOW THAT. please keep ur tweets platonic. behave raetwt 😡
again, they’re not playing characters tbh, just roleplaying with the game. i’ve had this thread saved in my drafts for a week now & held off on tweeting it but rated DID confirm he’s not ok with the shipping n y’all know how rae feels abt it so chill
it’s sad that gamers constantly have to publicly announce that they’re not okay with shipping bc it gets THAT bad. rated shouldn’t have had to say anything in the first place. he shouldn’t feel uncomfortable bc of the way y’all tweet about him and his friend. stop stop stop stop
if y’all see people still doing this literally just link them this thread idc. stop over analyzing their interactions. rae just started GTA and y’all are already making her friends uncomfortable 👍🏼
since this thread probably won’t be enough for some of y’all and you need to hear the man himself say he’s not okay with this behavior, here
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