Yes. The "Obama in the eyes of the beholder" quality remains salient. To leftists--see the intense reconsiderations/criticism of his memoir--Obama is a failed liberal centrist. To the right, he was and is "Barack Hussein Obama", a cosmopolitan/intellectual/secular ultra "other"
outside the parameters of the homogeneous nationalism of the center-right consensus. So, eg, George Will compared ACA--the most incremental, half measured reform of US health insurance possible, following Romneycare--to the fight over the Kansas--Nebraska Act! @kathleenparker
wrote "it did not seem delusional" that "nothing less than individual freedom is at stake" because Obama would change our economics and social system by "mandating and punishing human behavior." And these were the "thoughtul" conservative pundits! The GOP politicians were worse.
So yeah, Biden is not *that* guy. The guy who caused tens of millions of Americans and their political/media infrastructure to have a collective nervous breakdown. The guy the left still excoriates for being a timid technocrat. Biden is just moving barometrically with his party.
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