Last night I hung out with 50 gen Y & Z leaders across DFW - it was a blast - I learned a lot, wore them out asking questions & some did the same with me - fascinating how generations are shaped by media & information & marketeers - been true for all generations - here my take
They are the most ‘cause’ driven generation yet - this bodes well for reconciliation & restoration
Their ambition is to be ‘famous’ - no joke - this bodes bad! They told me their generation is very narcissistic- viral media makes people think they can all have a moment
My opinion - I think they’re more serious about their depth of faith - you have everything from ‘Bible scholar’ approach to ‘experiential’ revival talk faith
They seemed far more gracious in political opinions & not as divisive & zero sum game in their view of others - this is very good!
They like being ‘raw’ - good in one sense but may lead to a lot of chapping & questions of real authenticity down the line - when you’re passionate about everything you talk a lot but do little
They engage in public issues but mainly within their tribal faith - not sure how present they are with people outside their faith or how well they get public square
They see the world as a missionary endeavor vs a place & peoples God has created for us to be salt & light with - I’m always optimistic about younger generations & global engagement but still it has not shifted yet - despite’s connectivity in every way - ethnocentrism dies hard
Had one young man who works at Apple bring up the word epistemology - I had to take a double take - I loved it
Spirituality & mindfulness & meditation are all being meshed -
I think this is very good - not bad at all
I never feel like I’m getting old but I am & I’m ok with it - I love this generation - they are so young, excited & full of life - I’m optimistic
Thinking about doing a gathering with a similar group but with people of different religions & worldviews - anyone interested?
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