Discrimination against menstruating women is widespread in India, where Periods have long been a taboo nd considered impure.According to a study, only 36% of India's 355 million menstruating females use sanitary napkins (contd..)
while the rest use old rags, husk, ash, leaves, mud and soil nd such other life-threatening materials to manage their flow nd menstrual health experts say the current coronavirus crisis has worsened matters further in India. (Contd..)
The country is under a strict lockdown which has severely impacted production nd supplies of menstrual hygiene products.Millions of families across India cannot afford to buy menstrual hygiene products.( contd..)
For them it's a toss up between spending on food fo the family or purchasing sanitary napkins. Its time we realise tht menstruation is just a biological process&the secrecy sorrounding it must go. It is imp to normalise menstruation nd destroy taboos around ths natural process.
Given the lack of conversation about periods, according to a study, 71% of adolescent girls in India r unaware of menstruation until they get it themselves.
Campaigners says it shows tht parents rarely prepare their daughters fo something they know is bound to happen.( contd..)
Nd this unpreparedness leads to so much avoidable fear nd anxiety. Social media is a powerful tool nd should b used to spread positivity nd awareness regarding "Periods" among people. Talking is all it takes to begin a transformation nd it's time we did it.
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