1/ The Nazis called themselves “National Socialist.” But this doesn’t mean they IDed as leftists or Marxists. Quite the opposite. They believed in a collective identity and were against individualism; but their collectivism was based on race, not class.
2/ They claimed they opposed capitalism - and in a limited way they did. They hated speculation, the stock market, and global free trade, associating all these with “raffendes (exploitative) Kapital.” But against this they defended a “schaffendes (productive) Kapital”,
3/ one in which wealthy captains of industry were praised for their industrial output, and the usefulness of that output for the nation. This, along with his antisemitism, is why Hitler was such a fan of Henry Ford. And vice versa.
4/ Nazis blamed Jews for the economic activity they hated. Finance capitalism most obviously. Old stereotypes were kept new. But the millionaires who ran Krupp and Mercedes were no enemies of the Volk. Quite the opposite. Fortunes were to be made in making Germany great again.
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