The Moon, The Sun, Mercury, Venus & Chiron are all in the sign of Aries for the next couple days. This means that there's a stellium (a potent concentration of energy) in the cosmos meaning that everything & everyone will have an energetic boost. With this increase in energy,
- your confidence level will be heightened & your physical vitality will be great. Just be mindful, of this increase of energy & channel it in positive ways by working out or getting work done career wise or around the house. Try very hard to avoid any conflict for the next,
- week specifically, as any minor disagreement will be amplified by the increase in Aries energy in the atmosphere. If you feel the need to cuss somebody out try laughing & walking away, you'll thank yourself later. Aries/Mars also rules: knives, guns
- & any other weaponry and also some types of machinery, so be very careful when handling any of these items to avoid severe injuries. Police, firemen and the military are also ruled by Aries so it's possible that these entities will be called upon a lot to settle disputes over -
- next week. These entities might also find themselves at the centre of many dangerous or corrupt situations so they need to do their jobs with caution. Natural formations such as volcanoes are also ruled by Aries so expect to see an increase volcanic activity around the world.
Accidents (vehicular & otherwise), head injuries & headaches are also ruled by Mars/Aries and may be very frequent during the next week so try not to be reckless when driving, protect your head & destress however you can to avoid headaches.
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