I hope the people I know who were defensive of the Harper's letter have thought about the wave of deadly, transphobic laws being passed right now, and acknowledge the connection and the real harm done. https://twitter.com/RottenInDenmark/status/1380321016681930752
Debating the existence and validity of trans people and trans-affirming healthcare is like debating whether Biden won the election, or debating the validity of neurodivergence—people will always be able to frame the argument to sound reasonable, but they're bad faith positions.
Real similarities btw anti-trans and anti-abortion tactics. The right lauds & publicizes accounts of the minority who regret getting an abortion (who exist! & I'm sorry for them!) to center the debate there, to justify putting up hurdles & outlawing that healthcare entirely.
Just as "All Lives Matter" is not about protecting every human life but rather protecting racist state power, "just asking questions" is not about learning but rather distracting from the fact that the key questions have been answered, that trans healthcare is safe & saves lives.
(I'm speaking here specifically about the organized movements to push these narratives)
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