Well what an insane week it’s been for the ohmies, (8 days ago i posted my original post : https://twitter.com/darkdragonzzz1/status/1377930382700638208?s=20). I’ve been asked many times the past week if 1) Is it still worth buying and staking ohm at today's current price? 2) What do you still expect to happen to OHM...
in the future? Am i too late??

Well strap in anon, grab a cup of coffee and be prepared for some serious alpha development :

Let start with the short history of Ohm price has risen from its low of $237 dollars and is currently trading at $800 dollars, more importantly
it has risen from its lowest market cap of $14 million post dump to surpass the previous ATH market cap of $67 million (pay attention to market cap not price)

So you are wondering why the market cap crashed from 67 to 14 and why is it now surpassing its previous ATH?
When Ohm was first launched it was without 2 key features (Bonds + sales) in short meaning that Ohm had no way in accruing any PCV (Protocol control value, sounds familiar? @feiprotocol )

During the first week all we had were OHM minted by the dai which was given by the
participants in the initial discord offering place into a smart contract and rewarding OHM stakers and LPs, everyone was getting rich and at such a rapid pace it was ridiculous! We have seen this play out many times before with ESD/DSD in the past, When there is no underlying
collateral and no consistent reliable ROI then everyone rushes to the door.

Ohm is different from the past cycles of algorithmic stable coins, in order for 1 ohm to be minted there needs to be at least 1 dai owned by the protocol currently
P.S (theres alot of plans to change this to 1 dollar worth of crypto collateral and making a basket to become more capital efficient and decentralized, Ohm has chosen to use dai to because supply is low at the moment and for simplicity sake)
So where are we now? Bonds have been live for 1 week, they are basically a way of the protocol accruing sushiswap LP tokens from people and locking them forever into the protocol, this 1) guarantees liquidity forever 2) adds more dai effectively to the protocol so more OHM can be
minted. Also we have sales going which started off with 3 ohm and is now ramped up to 4 ohm, basically every epoch (8hours) the protocol sells ohm into the sushi for dai and stores it into the protocol vault and mints ohm (so every 8 hours 3200 ohm at current price can be minted)
These ohms are given to stakers and the dao (like a treasury) in a ratio of 90% to 10%. Many thanks to @sh4dow who provided this handy duneboard to see how much is in the treasury at any given time : https://duneanalytics.com/shadow/Olympus-(OHM)
Currently we have enough dai in our vaults to ensure 6 months of staking rewards, when you stake you are now (3, 3), sit back relax and let the protocol pay you for buying ohm and giving up your capital at 127429% APY. Which brings us back to the original argument 1 ohm staked..
would become in 1 year time at this current apy 1274 OHM.

Wait, how can APY be this high and not be a ponzi scheme and why hasn't it collapsed already??
Holddddddd on a sec boy, this apy is the effect of compound apy, the protocol gives u 0.67% APR per epoch and compounds it automatically for you. Your OHM supply is still slowly growing per day but as you accrue more ohm then the faster yours and everyone else total balance will
go up.

So what happens after 6 months has past, will we run out of Dai and no more ohms can be minted? Well ohm everyday will accrue more dai as long as its trading above 1, Ohm price should in theory reach a 2nd peak (don't ask me when or what price) then hopefully slowly....
decline as supply catches up or in the best case scenario price remains stable as no one sells (3, 3 game theory).

In order to sustain the high apy we see today the protocol would need to exponentially increase collateral so in theory you should see a slow decline in apy as well
So this answer the question is too late to invest into OHM, No it's not too late imo, we only have been live for 1 week officially and have plenty of runway to keep on rewarding early stakers. Ohm benefits massively from networking effects, the more people that join in the more
winners we have.

The price of OHM you see today reflects the potential of what investors see in the project in their ROI, If this was an efficient market the price of ohm would reflect the future potential growth but alas its not and at 67 mil market cap is it still undervalue?
One could argue yes when you compare to its direct competitor fei (1.67 billion market cap).

So maybe i've piqued your interest now into Olympus dao, how would i play this today if i wasn't already staking (3, 3). One way would be to be a LP, you still earn 1.93% APR a day and
if ohm price did fall down you are protected dollar wise slightly more as you would suffer IL and not complete single side exposure ( https://vfat.tools/ohm/ ). If ohm rises in price your rewards would not match the rewards from staking and you would earn less profits.
But with being a LP you do have a trick up your sleeve! Selling your LP position to the PCV in the form of a bond which gives you a discount on the ohm it sells you in return for the LP token which is given to you in 5 days time, So in theory anything over 10% discount would ear
you more ohm via bonds then LP compounded daily over 5 days (10% reward). I've seen ppl bond at >15% discount and got a great deal on their LP (the discount rate changes constantly you can refer to more about bonds in olympus dao website).


prime example
Another way would be just to buy market ohm and start staking it. Let's assume you buy each ohm for 1 dollar, and in 1 year time you have 1270x your ohm. Each ohm would need to be at least 1 dollar so you made 1.5x your initial investment, since ohm is a floating peg stablecoin
its more likely that 1 ohm would be worth 4-15 dollars imho so 6x-60x would be the investment ROI range.

Remember you cant mint money out of thin air, that is especially true with ohm as well, the loser in this protocol will be the last person that buys ohm when there are no...
more guaranteed staking rewards when the market cap could be around 1 billion plus+. If you're reading this now, you’re still early imho.

Moving forward now into OHM future, how do we ensure we continue to accrue value and keep on expanding to reward ALL participants?

We are going after the bespoke route as described by Fiskantes, ensuring that we become crowded afterwards. So let's examine what weapons Ohm has already and what's in store to come :
1) Ohm had a grassroot approach since the start, ensuring that the community comes first before VC can take profits, this has been evident from day 1 with locked Ohm in private sale vesting based on how big the market cap becomes, if we don't make it to 1 billion+ then VC wont...
get all their ohms. Also Zeus reprimanded someone who sold ohm from the presale and he brought back his ohm for more then he sold lol! Our community is hands down the best in the space. Sharp minds, helpful bodies, always watching and always ready to be called into action.
2) More integration with ohm being used in more defi projects, OMH and rari has a close working arrangement since day 1, The PCV will be used to earn yield and continue to accrue more dai so more ohm can be minted and given to stakers and the dao, various defi projects have.....
approached ohm and are keen on working together in a symbiotic partnership (cannot leak too much alpha here!)

3) Being able to burrow vs your current ohm stack for dai so you can reinvest it into other projects (on leverage! More to be announced)
4) Creating a NFT game which allows all ohmies to participate and play spear headed by the community under the guide of the talented artist android 18 @C_XVIII https://medium.com/@alpha_omega/alpha-omega-a-tale-of-two-cities-80a94966376b

5) Keep on creating the most dank memes and jokes to be found on CT and discord! <3
I hope one day you will join us anon, and I hope you won't be shaken out by the volatility, only 60 out of the 360 presale investors are still left standing but for everyone we lost, we gain one more who are even more diamond hands then the last!
You can follow @darkdragonzzz1.
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