just because you put a trigger/ content warning on it doesn’t mean ppl have to be exposed to it. I’ve noticed ppl dropping screenshots/ links about X and sexual assault, IPV, etc.
stop assuming that ppl mourning him don’t know/ don’t care about that part of his life.
had he not been abused from the time he was a small child — meaning he never had his bodily autonomy respected — there’s a solid chance he never would have been an abuser of any kind. had he grown up being taught respect for boundaries and not abandoned, shit would be different.
yes, ppl should be responsible and accountable for their behaviors.
dropping links/ screenshots to disrupt someone’s public mourning suggests that you don’t understand/ respect boundaries enough to inquire whether what you’re doing is okay. funny, that.
nobody’s celebrating him *for* being an abuser.
most of us publicly mourning him are discussing all the stuff we knew about him. his pain. his suffering. his emotional openness on wax and in interviews. he had a lot of shame about who he was when he was using.
that likely included abusing women. he did not have the skills or support to heal how he wanted. that doesn’t mean ppl he harmed are collateral damage.
I think some of y’all think believing/ having empathy for survivors is a zero sum game. that’s nonsense.
he was a survivor too. his mom beat him relentlessly when his father left their family. she told him he wasn’t shit, just like his daddy. empathy and compassion for survivors includes ALL survivors. even the ones you don’t like. dickhead.
watch this shit and tell me how he owed us his healing. hint: he didn’t. some ppl’s trajectories don’t conclude in sunshine and lollipops. he made it as far as he could.
and that is not to absolve him. if you’re concerned about ppl he harmed, SEEK THEM OUT AND ASK WHAT THEY NEED. they might not need you putting on stunts and shows on social media.
cuz that isn’t about them. it’s about you. musty.
I really think you boorish motherfuckers believe care is a commodity. that it’s a transaction and it’s finite. it’s only finite if you have a shallow relationship. musty.
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