Up until uni I really loved math for its own sake. By my university years* that was gone I heavily criticized ever since how most higher math education I encountered was completely devoid of even hints to practical use cases — and thus failed to spark the slightest interest in me
/*I started a front-loaded math-heavy CS degree waaay back, I eventually dropped out to work full-time in webdev, and went back to uni few years later — but this time I graduated, as an Applied Economics BSc 🙃 the full story won't fit a tweet but nuff said: I never regretted it/
What I'm getting at, the 10 minutes @yoshuawuyts & @bitshiftmask discussing the PID usecase for calculus in this podcast has done more to want me to study math more than entire semesters of higher education — and I find that incredibly sad 😟 https://jamesmunns.com/podcast/008-yosh/
This of course hasn't been the first time — diving into computer graphics, *especially* on the level of low-level primitives (2D or 3D both) have shown me how incredibly useful discrete mathematics, calculus, matrices and so on. really is and reinvigorated my love for maths…
…it's just sad these came after the system already spoiled my appetite ( @bitshiftmask actually talks about this ‘burnout’ above in a different context!)—but makes it so much more wonderful to see math nerds like @logicsoup thriving (perhaps in spite?) of their formal education💖
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