On the issue of mosques and taraweeh.

If you have space for men, there is space for women.
If the issue is the size of the mosque. One of the mosques I know if doing one for sisters and then one for brothers one after another as they are limited by space.
It is embarrassing and enraging how much Muslim women are having to fight for this on the last weekend of ramadan. Brothers, I urge you to speak to your local mosques and ask for a provision to be made for women.
All it took for my local mosque to have provision for sisters was a word to the imam from a brother he knew. It was really that simple. Use your privilege, it really isn't costing you anything but costing women a lot to not be able to go to the mosque two ramadans in a row.
The irony is these same people will speak about how misguided the Muslim women of today are. A lot of you will have to answer for why so many Muslim women reinvented the deen they follow and were elbowed out.
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