morning chart.

in the coming months inflation will likely pick up substantially -- big fiscal packages work! even so, average inflation since last January will remain below the Fed's new 2% **average** inflation target.

note: shaded area is my forecast.
even after 3 months of inflation over 3%, the Fed would not have reached its target average. we need substantial "reflation" to get prices back on track.

brave new world for the Fed!! keep in mind, some higher inflation = sign of healthier economy. that's good. we need it.
however, if inflation does not step down in the fall, or keeps picking up. the Fed will likely step in and raise rates. watch the **average** not the monthly releases.

the Fed will be watching the data very carefully. as the world changes, they will change their policy. fast.
this spring will be the ultimate test for the Fed. if they get months of 12-month change above 3%, the hawks are going to lose their shit (technical macro term). even I might need a stiff drink (after work hours).

going to bat for a rapid recovery **for all** is worth it.
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