What this thread reveals to me is how, for many people, police corruption can't ever get so bad that they'll stop supporting it.

Which suggests that they always knew what policing in America was, and want it this way. They merely preferred when they could pretend to not know. https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/1326850624340832256
Awareness of wrong carries a clear moral mandate to admit it or reject it. Admitting it carries a clear moral mandate to help fix it, or refuse to. Agreeing to fix it means paying the cost of repair.

I'd observe a lot of people don't want to know, because they don't want to pay.
This is why conservatives have set their sights against awareness itself.

Opposing "woke culture" is a tell.
Awareness is the first step on the path that inevitably leads to paying the price for being better people, and many people simply do not want to pay.

But refusing awareness reveals the intentions that were there all along.

This leads to people understanding who you are.
This is why conservatives have set their sights on what they call "cancel culture."

What they mean by "cancelled" is the natural consequence of rejecting clear moral demands—a consequence that is simply a general societal understanding of their true priorities.
Those injured by our systemically unjust society, optimized for empowered abuse—they know. They know in ways we actually can’t.

But we can know, if we listen.

Most of us don't listen.

I'd conclude we don't want to know.

A metaphor for these times: https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/1276489982065197058?s=20
You can follow @JuliusGoat.
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