Good morning. If you are struggling w/anxiety or panic attacks. Just know that it’s temporary. Eyes closed Slow Beep breaths & u’ll feel it fade away. Keep doing it even if u feel like it’s not working. Give it a couple of mins & u’ll notice the difference. #anxietysucks
Past 5 days, no matter what time I went to sleep I’ve been waking up around 6am & instant panic attacks. Glad to say this morning It was very mild. Started doing the breathing before getting out of bed. I kept at it doing the deep breathing every morning. I felt the panic attacks
get lesser & lesser in intensity every morning. So I say to all my friends struggling w/anxiety panic attacks to keep at it. Keep doing the deep breathing. Meditation. Light exercise. Therapy. Always think positive. U are in no danger & nothing is wrong with u and It will pass.
For most of us this pandemic is one huge reason for the fucking anxiety panic attacks. But u are stronger than u think. Understand that If we could endure 4 yrs of that 🍊 💩 & a year of Covid-19 & what not, we can get this fucking anxiety panic attacks shit under control.
Some of us may feel weird physical symptoms. Again, slow deeps breaths will help control it. Loss of appetite? Do what I do. See if this helps. I try to eat small meals through the day. And I make sure I stay hydrated. These things may sound difficult to do. Do it anyway. đź’ś
I highly recommend therapy. Psychologist, therapist & etc. And JUST REACH OUT no matter how embarrassing or difficult it may seem. And Talk to someone. Even on here. And you’ll start feeling better rather fast.

#AnxietySucks #PanicAttacksSuck #StrongerTogether #TrumpVirus
Make some simple life changes. Such as LESS news, don’t smoke, cut down on caffeine, meditate, light exercise, a healthy diet, hydration, outdoor walks (w/mask lol), reach out & etc. These are the changes I’ve been able to make. It has helped me & I hope it helps u. 💜💜💜
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