The #bloodclot issue was beginning to dominate the news cycle. Mainstream media HAD to reluctantly report it, but they rolled out their stooges to tell us it was all safe, and they put their "don't worry little lamb" spin on it, yet still even the blindest in society....
2....started to ask questions and appointments for the jab were cancelled by the thousand. On the 20th March, #vaccinations peaked at 750,000 in a day, on 8th April it was only 96,000.

Now we have a royal death and riots in Belfast to dominate the news cycle. Coincidence?...
3. To date only 9% of our fellow UK citizens are fully vaccinated (2 doses). It's getting harder. You will not see so many rushing now to adorn their facebook page with their new "I've been vaccinated" profile image as people are superstitious & that would now be tempting fate
4. The tide is turning and that is why we are being banned and #censored. They are listening to what we have been saying and it is now being backed up by the news because if they don't report it then they are obviously complicit in what is happening here and it can be proved....
5. So they are attempting to distract and play down and give less air time to the blood clot and adverse effects stories.

We are getting through to some. Keep going.
#vaccines #TakeOffYourMask #saynotovaccinations
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