Hot take: Modern video games, like Dark Souls, that only have a single difficulty setting are lazy game design at best and actively discriminatory at worst.
"But Jeph! Those games are designed to be hard!"

Sure - and I know some people love a challenge! There is zero reason by modern standards those games can't have their literal exact same difficulty setting, while also having an easier mode for those who want to enjoy it.
If a game has to have an experience that excludes others due to a lack of features for you to enjoy it, maybe do some self reflection on what that says about you as a person.

A huge range of people enjoy games for lots of reasons, don't gatekeep.
"Geez Jeph. You should just play a different game"

I have no desire to play a Souls game even if it had easier combat modes. I play games for the story and Souls doesn't really have that.

Y'all are so selfish you think someone could only want to improve something for themselves
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