My thoughts on season 4 of Wynonna Earp (a thread):
I enjoyed every episode of this season. Yep, even the super ridiculous ones. Problem is, while the individual episodes were great, they didn't work cohesively to within the season.
It was like a collection of filler episodes building up to nothing. For this reason, while the finale was adorable, it didn't feel earned.
The Dark Waverly storyline was introduced at the end of 4x10, then "explored" and solved in 4x11. With such minimal screentime, what should have been the biggest threat of the season turned out to be a minor inconvenience.
Don't get me wrong... the events of 4x11 were fantastic, but they should've taken place over at least 3 episodes. The filler episodes made the main story feel rushed and far less epic.
The final episode was a fitting ending for the series. The previous episodes could've made it better, but I'm glad we got the happy ending we all hoped for. This thread may not express all my feelings about Wynonna Earp, but just know that I will bloody miss this show!!!
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