I really don’t think people understand how it feels to exclusively have family outside of the country, for almost two years now due to COVID-19.

I literally had a dream about calling my folks to be reassured about finals, but I know irl it’s impossible to get time.

I miss them.
It’s why governmental failures, NPHET’s comms failures, NIAC’s opaque decisionmaking hurts.

I haven’t gotten to be the only kid of my family in 2 years, since healing our ties in 2019.

Now, the next time I may see them I’ll be a working doctor - I can’t get carefree time back.
Being a migrant always means being responsible, on guard for the next danger around the corner

to safety and living, personal stuff like the next important bereavement you might miss.

There is no option not to fend for yourself; not to feel old beyond your years

I’m exhausted.
Oh before an Irish Times columnist tries to exploit migrant experiences like mine to justify shoddy client journalism defending national incompetence:

I’ve nothing but contempt for you, and the months your lies over this year have added to the time I can’t be with my family.
I hope Ireland stops making policies that don’t just hurt by targeting minorities,

like NIAC’s clear refusal to acknowledge BAME vulnerability to COVID for vaccination,

but hurt by completely overlooking that we exist and deserve value in our lives as we put into the country.
I’ll be announcing work things over this weekend.

The difference between folks here and family back home

is there’s barely celebration when things go right because of begrudgery, minoritisation and discrimination

but there’s nowhere to be looked after when they go wrong too.
Anyway if you’ve somehow reached the bottom of this thread —

If you’re my parents: Hi! I love you! I’ll chat to you this weekend when I’m not crying big fat tears into my textbook and folders.

If you’re a twitter person: I guess read this, from when I could be articulate: https://twitter.com/repealist_/status/1374347099794464775
You can follow @Repealist_.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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