Since y'all keep spreading misinformation and generalizing + blaming an ENTIRE fandom for things out of our control? Esp to stir up pointless drama w/o providing solutions?

Here's an ACTUAL thread list of why the views can become unbalanced:

1. General public ++
1. General public

- these are viewers who randomly get recommended an enha video on their recommend homepage on YouTube. The bigger the channel, (for example HYBE)

The more likely they are to be recommended and stumble across it and click on a SINGLE video. Then they move on.
2. Hybe labels subscribers

- these are fans SPECIFICALLY from other hybe groups who get a notif abt enha, and will only check out one or two out of curiosity.

But they'll only focus on their original group.
3. Non-hybe kpop stans

These kpoppies only know of one or two members of enha at MOST and will only look up the ones they know, but that's it. Once they're satisfied, they'll leave the channel.
4. Casual fans but they don't consider themselves engenes

They do follow enha and like the music, but aren't a dedicated fan. They'll check out most or all at least once when the video first drops but they won't stream.
5. Engenes who are streaming incorrectly

These are fans who panic-stream when they see lower views, loop a video, refresh the page, etc

Usually resulting in deleted views or spam views.
6. Finally, solo stans who ONLY stream one member.

Let's make this clear: STOP calling solo stans' behavior as 3ngenes' behavior and blame us for it.

Solo stans don't belong in our fandom, so call them out accurately, NOT US FOR FK'S SAKE YOU SOUND IGNORANT AS HELL.
7. Other factors that can affect the views include, but are not limited to:

- upload order
- upload time
- video thumbnail (is it scary, recognizable, appealing?)
- yt algorithm
- youtube's notifs only informing of one or two videos
- the video title, etc etc

can you now see how DUMB, and inaccurate it is to use individual video views to :

- pit members against each other like a pissing contest game
- blame 3ngenes of not caring for certain members???

Then stfu & stop spreading mis-info and keep streaming.
3ngenes are ot7 by DEFAULT, so if you DO see proof of certain fans not streaming equally,

Call them out by their actual name: Solo stans & OT6 stans.

NOT the official fandom name, then generalize the rest of us normal engenes??

You're misdirecting the blame, & stirring drama.
Guilt-trip us OT7 3ngenes one more fking time, & I'll rip your sideburns off.

Watch what you say if you can't stay objective while you tweet & can only resort to victimizing your faves everytime there's an inconvenience or smt doesn't go your way.

Stop acting like a 5 year old.
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