The King James Bible equates Love with charity and that's how we get rageaholic legalistic spirits fruited from that toxic tree. Like how you gonna mistranslate love?? 1 Corinthians 13 check it...
Charity is not known in English the way 'agape' love requires it to be. When we say charity it's taken as a mercifulness which is a good kind of love but not all love is a mercy. We don't say "I have great charity for God" but rather 'great love' instead.
Love may require action, but it can never be reduced to it, or equated with it. Love must be experienced. And that is what the empty, "charity," can never convey. It has all the connotations of merciful giving, good deeds, and actions, but it's utterly divorced from the heart.
"Charity is no known English, in that sense which agape requireth"
- William Tyndale

This man was tied to a stake, strangled & burned because his passion was to clearly & directly translate Greek NT text to speak on its own without the oppressive Latin church

He died for LOVE
How you gonna preach about love while you cuss me & call me a stupid idiot? Literally the exact spirit I'm speaking to. As for giving myself for another.. I almost died carrying my babies to term & it wasn't charity that drove me, but deep agape love learned from my father.
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