I hate to break it to the fujoshi haters out there, but in addition to yall redefining a word from a culture that isn't yours, your talking points--yes, ALL of them--come directly from terfs.

Your 'cishet yaoi fangirl who fetishizes mlm' is a trans man.

Let's talk about that.
A lot of yall know already, but I got my paws on some receipts from Reddit and other forums frequented by terfs and, wouldnt u know it, gay men. I'll take u through em.

tw for severe transphobia, homophobia, queerphobia, misogyny...it's a fuckin shitshow
So...let me tell you, reading this made my stomach twist. Here are some Fandom Olds (as evidenced by the way they talk about Livejournal etc) discussing what they believe to be a 'Yaoi-to-Trans Pipeline'. Look how they use the rhetoric 'yaoi is porn for straight women'.
Here's one flat out saying it. 'Pornsickness' is a SWERF term. SWERF n' TERF beliefs cross over so much that I think it's better to just use the umbrella term: radfem.

No matter which term u use, radfems tend to treat sex workers, trans ppl, and women in general like infants.
Example: when u visit a radfem's blog and see SWERF shit like the tumblr screencap above, you need only scroll a tiny bit to run into (often cleverly worded) transphobia or reblogs/RTs from openly identifying TERFs. They're all part of the same radfem package. (tw islamophobia)
Anyway, back to the forums. Here's where we get to the point where the conversation is literally /identical/ to the ones we get from fancops/anti-fujos. Identical.

And then look at how they start delving into conspiracy theories at the end there. Wait for it......
DINGDINGDING here's the pedophilia conspiracy!! LOOK AT HOW THEY TALK ABOUT ANIME AT THE END THERE. Who else thinks anime is 'catering to pedophiles'?

Also it's hella fucking ironic that they think trans women groomed kids on Tumblr when it was THEM. THESE BITCHES.
Here is just....straight up anti-shipper shit. This is it, right here, it's just got the mask off. Reading this just gutted me, bc I remember my early fandom days too-- and I remember when this rhetoric started popping up. Look how it's framed as casual, polite discussion.
So what forum is this exactly? Welp....

The cutoff part is 'save women's sports' which is...you guessed it, about how trans women shouldn't participate in women's sports etc. It's always ~SAVE THE WIMMINZ~ w these people.

Also, 'cancelled'. Lmao
Now let's talk about the way this rhetoric weasels its way into LGBT spaces. Here's a post by a gay guy talking about a 'fujoshi' friend of his. I'm not here to deny his experiences, but...when someone says they want to be a man and you immediately go to 'fetishism' that's. Hm.
I'm putting this in a separate tweet bc some of the replies to this guy's post are just... hideous. Please read at your own risk. I'm also adding some tweets from another account ran by a gay man-- the 'jockstrap ceiling' is a twist on the 'cotton ceiling' if that wasn't obvious.
So let's break this down.

The 'fetishizing' accusation against fujoshi (which, again, is a JAPANESE WORD that Westerners have NO right to redefine) comes directly from TERFs, and is co-opted by gay men as a way to gatekeep.

Trans guys also gatekeep like this.
Here's where we get into the really ugly shit. Warning now. This is...a the lesser of the evils. It's a post with a piece of art that looks like a fucking kid drew it, and the reactions people had to said art.
I saved the worst for last.

TERFs often use the term 'autogynephilia' to imply that trans women are just straight men who fetishize womanhood/lesbians. This is the their words for what they think trans men are: straight women who fetishize gay men.
Finally we're getting to the really gross shit. If my point is getting lost here, let me reiterate: these are the people that young lesbians and trans kids are mimicking almost WORD FOR WORD when they try to bash women in fandom.

Read these then look at the forum they're on.
Ok guys that's that. I really need to disengage now; this hurt me a LOT and that's why it took me forever to post and asked for pet pics the other night lol

but I'm sure this pain I feel is nothing compared to my trans guy friends. take care of yourselves please.
This is the fucking reality and I want everybody to see this and think HARD about what they're saying and where they hurt it from.

Bc there's no excuse anymore.
One quick thing, I wanna reword smth I said above

'They want to be a man' should be 'thinks that they may be a trans man*'. Just checking myself on my wording there.
Anyway, this is no new revelation of mine, plenty of folks have made this connection before. For more on how TERFs directly influenced modern fandom I'll always recommend this OG thread https://twitter.com/dionysiaca/status/1193263490540150784?s=20
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