As a general rule for myself I don’t go to the comments section of major posts be they news articles or even ads. However I made the mistake breaking my personal rule when I saw a recent Dick’s sporting goods ad that featured a mid-sized woman running.
Myself being a mid/plus sized woman, I was thrilled to see this! And I clicked on the post and saw the comments section. One of the first was a man who commented something along the lines of “Running to the donut shop”. I rolled my eyes and clicked on his profile.
I was not surprised to see that he’s more overweight than myself and the woman in the ad. I fought very hard to not react immediately by pointing that out because it’s not my place to comment on someone else’s body.
It’s just another example of how women are scrutinized for their weight whether they are actively engaging in physical activity or not. If I’m running, I must be running to the donut store. If I’m not running it’s because I eat too many donuts. How absurd.
In another ad from the same company featuring multiple runners with normal body types, I couldn’t help myself from checking the comments again. This time one of the first said “I guess white men don’t run”. Naturally this was written by a middle-aged white man.
The fragility. Of course he knows that’s not true. How fragile he must be to feel offended enough to point out that he doesn’t see his demographic represented in that particular ad, even though he can look to almost any other ad and see himself represented.
And yes. I realize that from the beginning to the end of this thread I went from being excited to see a representation of myself to ridiculing someone who complained about not being represented. I know. So don’t try to pick that fight with me.
You and I both know that white men have plenty of representation in media/advertising. When you’re not considered the standard, it’s exciting to see that represented. Because thin, white people aren’t the only people shopping for sporting goods.
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