Now 9 days into the #chauvintrial, I’ve been seeing this take more and more. And it bothers me for several reasons. The fact that Derek Chauvin gets a trial is a testament to our justice system, not a problem with it. 1/6
Our justice system gets many things wrong, but its fundamental principles get many right. People are (legally) innocent until proven guilty. People have a right to an attorney. People have a right to a jury trial of their peers. People have a right to confront their accusers. 2/6
Like anyone else accused of a crime – even murder caught on video and shared millions of times across the country -- Chauvin has these rights, regardless of the heinous act he committed. These rights are important. They are crucial to a functioning democracy. 3/6
Do I think Derek Chauvin is guilty of murder? 100%.
But that’s for the jury to decide.

Should he go to prison for A Very Long Time? Also 100%.
But that’s for the judge to decide.

Should he receive a fair trial? Absolutely, 100%.
That’s what our Constitution calls for. 4/6
Is America always successful in applying these rights? NOT EVEN CLOSE. But I cannot stress enough how important it is we keep trying. That we keep trying to be a more perfect union. That we continue researching the shortcomings of the justice system so we can improve it. 5/6
And that’s why it’s important that Derek Chauvin gets his day in court. And that George Floyd’s friends and family get their day in court, too. I pray that justice, and due process, are served. 6/6
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