Interesting car convo with Younger Kid. Gave her the sad, hard truth that if you’re a girl is smart, strong, independent, who likes to be in charge, and be good at things...your dating pool is very small.

You need to find a guy who loves who you are, and most wont. 1/
That;s something so many people don’t understand. It doesnt matter how hot you are if guys are intimidated by you.

Where a guy gets all the girls by being good at shit, being good at pretty much ANYTHING as a girl is fraught with difficulty.

The best way to get a guy is
To be practically crippled.

(I say this with bitterness as a woman who cannot stand feeling weak.)

The standard advice given to these girls and women is always: “Act weaker.”

Never, for some reason, “find a guy who’s down with you just as you are.”
The real trick is, when you find a guy who likes a pushy, impressive gal, to not resent him for it.

That’s where women go wrong. I’ve known a lot of strong chicks who hooked up with easygoing guys who adored them, but who then got angry with the men for being so laid back/
You can’t have it both ways.

If you want to excel (or even be pretty good at) ukulele, surfing, snowboarding, school, career...and do those things in need to find a guy who can handle it.

People are gonna tell you to find a guy who is MORE of a superstar. 1/
Well, those guys—the impressive superstars—have THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE of soft, squishy, limping, mewling, adoring and attractive women to choose from.

Girls with nothing better to do that curl their hair and giggle when they speak.

Why would they choose YOUR hard-driven ass?
Everyone acts like it’s the worst thing in world for strong women to be with softer men. But it’s not.

The worst thing is to be alone and confused.

Worse than that is living 24/7 lie in which you act helpless in order to keep a guy who DOESNT EVEN LIKE THE REAL YOU on board.
So, yeah. My advice to my kid was “find a guy who likes you. REALLY likes you. Stop comparing yourself to other girls. You’re not like them. You’re tough, smart and resourceful, and you shouldnt have to pretend otherwise.”

This flies in the face of all dating advice, but...
It worked for me, and I think it would work for a lot of tough chicks.

Nomatter how domineering you are, there is a guy who totally gets off on that.

Find that guy, and find it in yourself to love him back.

Here endeth the lesson.
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