as a mexican-american, i have been disgusted and disappointed with the uproar of cc’s making mexicans the butt of their “jokes.” nothing is funny about saying mexican slurs, or making “jokes” calling mexicans “illegal”, saying you want them deported, and anything like that. (1/8)
mexicans (and hispanics in general) get so much shit wether it be from cc’s or other people on social media and irl. as a child i never felt like i was “hispanic enough” compared to my mexican family members, but i have since learned to love this side of my family. it makes me-
feel sick to see cc’s and literally anyone in general say “jokes” about mexicans, and i’ve felt extremely sick these last few days with these ss of cc’s “jokes” towards mexicans/hispanics being brought up. it’s horrible to see people you personally look up to saying slurs and-
making “jokes” about you and your own family. and even when cc’s aren’t saying these things, i feel that mexicans and hispanics are being shushed out, when really places like mexico could use your help (i’ll link a carrd at the end of this thread). cc or not, making mexicans or-
hispanics the butt of your “jokes” is never acceptable, and i want our issues to be brought up more. to any cc and anyone reading this: before making a sick “joke” like the ones that have been going around, please THINK about the struggles mexicans and hispanics face. i have-
family members who have been deported, held at borders, denied certain things, all due to being mexican. i find zero jokes made by non mexicans about mexicans funny, as they are not jokes, but just straight up offensive. please educate yourself and others on why these “jokes”-
are wrong, and help the mexican and hispanic people in your life. if i worded anything badly i am very sorry as i am very upset and feel horrible about everything going on. to all my fellow hispanics reading this, ilysm and please take care of yourself <3
while you all are here, please take a look at this carrd on mexico, i would greatly appreciate it. thank you 
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