Hey, so maybe you're seeing this and you don't know much about the mentioned disorder. Please take a moment to look at this short thread, if you care enough to support mentally ill people. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1380190217743794176
It's not called MPD anymore. There are numerous types of dissociative disorders, which can be found here, but this criminal they keep using as a horror trope specifically has Dissociative Identity Disorder.
People with these disorders share a body with other people, and that might sound ridiculous to you, but it's very real and not as uncommon as you think. We call ourselves "systems". And I'm certain you know at least one system, so please, listen closely—
Do not watch this movie. Not even to bitch about it. Do not give it money or attention. If anything, focus on educating yourself and others on dissociative disorders and the fact they're not inherently dangerous. Actually they're very very rarely dangerous at all.
Put the pressure on the directors and writers and producers and actors. Be firm. Don't let up. 200k people boycotted Split but it still succeeded. We have to do better.

Films/stories like these are more dangerous than DID itself. Trust me.
You can follow @softdemidevil.
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