Tigrayans do not trust @EthioHRC & @DanielBekele not only because of their track record but also their ignorance of the number of injustices committed by the government on Tigrayans all over Ethiopia. 17k Tigrayan military personnel's have been imprisoned for 5 months now!
They have been imprisoned for their ethnicity. We know some have been abducted and taken to Eritrea, some others, have been executed, and the rest are kept in concentration camps experiencing worst torture ever. Families can't even contact them. Please U.S do something!
Please note the list in this thread are only a fraction of the list of Tigrayan military members that have been imprisoned. The list in this thread only shows 1000 of the 17000 members of the military imprisoned. The ones on this list are imprisoned in Wendo Tiqa, Blaten Togan.
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