With the caveat that there are very few people in the world who have Chris Evans's jawline, I still gotta wonder if making the Cap uniform look THIS BAD on Walker in comparison was a deliberate design choice
People keep commenting that this is the ugly = evil trope and honestly I don't think it is. I mean, Wyatt Russell ain't Chris Evans, sure. But NOBODY else is Chris Evans. Objectively, Wyatt Russell is not an ugly dude:
This reply thread by @UrsulaV breaks down the really careful and artistic ways the costume designers made that costume look ill-fitting and unflattering on him: https://twitter.com/UrsulaV/status/1380725135565545474?s=19
Here is an even more detailed thread breaking down the design choices:

Also I love that twitter handle given my long-running feud with owls.
So hey was I being flippant? Yeppers. Do I think Wyatt Russell is groteque? Nah. He's an attractive dude. But evidently my flippant pointing up of the design choices that went into making him look like a kid who stole dad's helmet has touched a nerve.
Do I think that helmet design makes Wyatt Russell's attractive face look exquisitely squinchy, smug, and punchable? YES I FREAKIN DO.
And if we're gonna talk about the ethical implications of tropes in the MCU y'all then we're gonna talk about the Wakandans installing a kill switch in a man's prosthetic and *not telling him about it* which is a way fucking deeper violation than an ugly helmet.
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