1. Generally speaking, our relationship with law enforcement is completely opposite of what your average White person’s relationship with law enforcement is.

That is by design.

The good officers are out there, but they don’t speak nearly as loud enough to stop this stuff⤵️. https://twitter.com/alexhortontx/status/1380640537867399181
2. Our culture of “blind worship” for the military and law enforcement exacerbates this. People have been conditioned to put these entities on a pedestal NO MATTER WHAT, simply because they have a “dangerous job”. I say this as a veteran.
3. I believe in honoring our men and women in uniform both in law enforcement and in the military. But I believe that honor is conditional. They must uphold their oath. The military must uphold the oath to the constitution. Law enforcement should PROTECT AND SERVE all of us.
4. Reverence for those who voluntarily put their lives on the line in honorable service of others is acceptable and reasonable. It’s unreasonable to revere someone simply because they have a gun and badge.
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